Facial Rejuvenation PRF


What is PRF?
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a treatment used to enhance the appearance of skin and promote natural rejuvenation. PRF is derived from your blood, making it a safe and minimally invasive treatment. It is a form of regenerative medicine that contains a concentrated amount of platelets, white blood cells and fibrin, all of which play crucial roles in tissue repair and regeneration.

Microneedling with PRF
Microneedling relies on the principle of neovascularization (new blood flow) that occurs as a result of minimal trauma causing rapid new collagen formation of the skin surface. This is performed in an automated fashion with the DermaPen, an electrically powered medical device that delivers a vibrating stamp-like motion to the skin resulting in a series of micro channels.

These channels are then filled with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) or other regenerative agents to further enhance facial skin regeneration. The microneedling device (often referred to as collagen induction therapy) uses a sterile needle tip containing 12 tiny microneedles to create controlled micro punctures to the skin.

Indications for Microneedling include:
• Resurfacing of the skin
• Reducing/removing fine lines and wrinkles
• Improving uneven texture, tone & color
• Photoaging or sun damaged skin
• Reducing skin laxity Improving scars

PRF is 3x more effective than PRP
You may have heard of platelet rich plasma (PRP), a first generation platelet concentrate. One of the downsides of this procedure is that additional use of anti coagulants (chemical additives) prevents clotting and thereby diminishes the full potential benefits of platelet concentrates. Recent studies have shown that PRF is up to 3 times more effective than its previous PRP formulations.

What can I expect after a microneedling procedure? 
Typically, the skin will appear red (similar to a mild sunburn) for 24-48 hours. With PRF, downtime following therapy has been drastically reduced owing to the ability to rapidly increase the body's own natural regenerative cells and growth factors. Almost immediately after the procedure your skin will generally feel tighter, with greater improvements usually observed within 3 days.

How long does microneedling last? 
Within 24 hours, patients will begin to notice an immediate glow of the skin. Collagen production will reach its peak around 2-4 weeks after therapy and will continue for up to 6 months.

How does the procedure work? 
Typically, a small sample of blood is collected the same way as in a blood lab and is immediately placed in a Bio-PRF® centrifugation system to concentrate cells and growth factors up to 10 times higher than what's typically found in

Generally speaking, microneedling with PRF is a go-to treatment modality for smoothing fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and favors a glow-like healthy and young skin texture.

The Benefits
Simple, Effective and 100% Natural
• Encourages production of collagen 
• Treats acne scarring
• Rejuvenates skin Removes fine wrinkles and tightens loose skin
• Minimally invasive
• Downtime of less than 24 hours
• Improves skin texture and tone 
• No chemicals or additives

More questions? Give us a call!